Securosys Primus HSMs officially support and integrate with PrimeKey EJBCA® Enterprise.

Securosys announced today that Securosys Primus HSM and CloudHSM can now be integrated with PrimeKey EJBCA® Enterprise, one of the worldwide leading Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) solutions.
Securosys, a market leader in cyber- and cloud security, encryption, and digital identity protection, continues to push the Hardware Security Module (HSM) market forward with new features. Securosys Primus HSM or CloudHSM service can now integrate with PrimeKey® EJBCA® Enterprise or EJBCA community edition PKI to generate and use EJBCAs key material within the protected boundary of Securosys Hardware Security Modules.
EJBCA Enterprise and Public Key Infrastructure, as one of the most used PKI, certificate issuing, and management software, provides you with the essential security services for trusted identities and secure communication in any environment and use case.
Many organizations successfully worked with Securosys HSM combined with EJBCA® as a secure and reliable Enterprise Public Key Infrastructure solution. Some of our clients, such as the Liechtensteinische Landesbank (LLB), integrated with the support of our partner intelliCard and Commend, a global provider of intercom systems based in Austria. LLB has been working with Securosys HSM and EJBCA for multiple years and can attest to the robustness of the integration.
The integration is now well documented and available to anyone looking to extend the security of on-premises or hosted EJBCA Enterprise PKIs solutions in conjunction with Securosys Primus HSMs, or the ready-to-go CloudHSM service via the Primus PKCS#11 provider.
Main benefits:
- Customers benefit from fast regional access, load-balancing, and automatic redundancy failover thanks to the built-in large geo-redundant HA cluster mechanisms.
- Multi-tenancy and large built-in storage allow the separation of different instances and usage for future applications.
- Minimize risk of exposure and operational failures by taking Root CA partitions off-line and additional Security Officer intervention for key deletion.
- Ease CA key ceremonies and automate audit procedures using Securosys Key Attestation and Audit features, proofing all keys and relevant parameters with a chain of trust originating from our Securosys root certificate.
More about PrimeKey by Keyfactor can be read here.